Males - Pug and bullmastiff kennel "Hrustalnyi Lotos" (BCU-FCI). Belarus, Minsk



Vensan Valberi s Bul'vara Briosh

Import from Russia Import from Russia

Pedigree Photos
Shows Babies


 - Junior Champion of Breed Belarus;
 - Junior Champion of Belarus;
 - Junior Grand Champion of Belarus;
 - Champion of Breed Belarus;
 - Champion of Belarus;
 - Grand Champion of Belarus;
 - Super Grand Champion of Belarus;
 - Veteran Champion of Belarus;
 - Best male in colour on The Pug Championship-2017 in Belarus;
 - Best junior on The Pug Championship-2016 in Belarus;
 - 4 x BOB veteran, BISS veteran-1, BIS veteran-6, BIS veteran-5;
 - 7 х Best male, 4 х Best of breed, 3 х BOS, Best in group-4, BISS-3;
 - 5 x BOS junior, 2 х BOB junior, BISS junior-1;
 - 6 х J.CAC, 9 х САС, R.CACIB, V.CACIB

 Sire: CH Seloy Laureal (import from Denmark Import from Denmark)
 Dam: GRAND CH, ABSOLUT CLUB CH Frantsuzskiy Potseluy Fruity Caramel for Briosh (import from Ukraine Import from Ukraine)

 Date of birth: 25.02.2016
 Color: black
 Height: 30 cm, weight: 10,3 kg

 Health: test PDE N/S, heart and blood tests without pathologies (2024)

Izumitelnyi Tsvetok Hrustalnyi Lotos

Pedigree Photos 
Shows Babies


 - Junior Champion of Belarus;
 - Junior Champion of Breed Belarus;
 - Junior Grand Champion of Belarus;
 - Champion of Breed Belarus;
 - Champion of Belarus;
 - Grand Champion of Belarus;
 - Super Grand Champion of Belarus;
 - 7 x J.CAC, 9 х САС;
 - 4 х BOS, 2 x Best male, 2 x Best of breed, Best in group-3;
 - 7 x BOS junior, 6 x BOB junior, BISS junior-2;
 - 3 x BOS puppy, 2 x BOB puppy, BISS puppy-1, BIS puppy-2;
 - 2 х BOB baby, BISS baby-1, BIS baby-2

 Sire: SUPERGRAND CH, R.CACIB Vensan Valberi s Bul'vara Briosh (import from Russia Import from Russia)
 Dam: СН Uelskaya Princessa Hrustalnyi Lotos (Belarus Belarus)

 Date of birth: 2.07.2018
 Color: fawn
 Height: 28 cm, weight: 8,7 kg

 Health tests: PDE N/N, DM N/N, PLL N/N

Limited Edition Hrustalnyi Lotos

Pedigree Photos
Shows Babies


 - Junior Winner of Belarus-2019;
 - Junior Champion of Belarus;
 - Champion of Belarus;
 - Winner of Belarus-2020;
 - Champion of Breed Belarus;
 - Grand Champion of Belarus;
 - 5 х J.CAC, 9 x CAC, CACIB;
 - 9 x Best male, 9 х Best of breed, 2 x Best in group-2, 2 x Best in group-4, BISS-4;
 - 5 х BOS junior, 4 x BOB junior, BIS junior-4

 Sire: CH Elven Elias Leru s Bul'vara Briosh (Russia Russia)
 Dam: SUPERGRAND СН & 2 x CACIB & 2 x R.CACIB Amore Mio Mita Bella (Belarus Belarus)

 Date of birth: 23.10.2018
 Color: fawn
 Height: 29 cm, weight: 9,7 kg

 Health: PDE N/N, DM N/N, PLL N/N, blood tests are normal (2024)

Verhosan Secret

Import from Ukraine Ukraine

Pedigree Gallery
Shows Babies


 - Junior Champion of Belarus;
 - Junior Champion of Breed Belarus;
 - Junior Grand Champion of Belarus
 - Champion of Breed Belarus;
 - Champion of Belarus;
 - 5 x J.CAC, 3 x CAC;
 - 4 x Best of breed, BOS, 2 x Best male;
 - 5 x BOS junior, 3 x BOB junior

 Sire: СН, CACIB Xantano Vom Sachsen Adel (import from Germany Germany)
 Dam: Verhosan Caramel (Ukraine Ukraine)

 Date of birth: 22.10.2020
 Color: fawn
 Height: 30 cm, weight 7,6 kg


Pedigree Gallery
Shows Babies


 - САС;
 - Best male;
 - BOB puppy, BISS puppy-5
 - 2 х BOB baby, BISS baby-2

 Sire: SUPERGRAND CH Izumitelnyi Tsvetok Hrustalnyi Lotos (Belarus Belarus)
 Dam: SUPERGRAND CH Edinstvennaya Tsarevna Hrustalnyo Lotos (Belarus Belarus)

 Date of birth: 21.07.2022
 Color: apricot
 Height:  cm, weight:  kg

 Health test: PDE N/N by parents