Chernika's shows - Pug and bullmastiff kennel "Hrustalnyi Lotos" (BCU-FCI). Belarus, Minsk


Chernika's shows

Date Show Location Judge Class Evaluation Title
14.06.2014 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Rudensk Shiyan V. (Ukraine) baby VP BOB baby, BISS baby-1
29.06.2014 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Molodechno Zaharova G.P. (Russia) baby VP BOB baby, BISS baby-1
29.06.2014 republican of all breeds Belarus, Molodechno Terentieva V. (Russia) baby VP BOB baby
19.07.2014 regional of all breeds "Crystal cup" Belarus, Tarasovo Elena Mandrik (Belarus) baby VP BOB baby
17.08.2014 regional of all breeds "Hobby's cup" Belarus, Smolevichi Elena Borisova (Belarus) puppy VP BOB puppy, BIS puppy-3
14.09.2014 regional of all breeds "Maryina Gorka's cup-2014" Belarus, Maryina Gorka Asadchaya A. (Belarus) puppy VP BOB puppy, BIS puppy-1
5.10.2014 republican of all breeds Belarus, Minsk Zaharova G. (Russia) puppy VP BOS puppy
5.10.2014 republican of all breeds Belarus, Minsk Smirnova L. (Russia) puppy VP BOS puppy, BOB puppy
2.11.2014 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Minsk Sonja Falletti Bellan (Italy) puppy VP BOB puppy, BISS puppy-3
2.11.2014 republican of all breeds "Leaf fall-2014" Belarus, Minsk Nemanja Jovanovic (Serbia) puppy VP BOB puppy, BIS puppy-3
22.11.2014 CACIB "Belarus-2014" Belarus, Minsk Natalia Skalin (Sweden) junior ex.-2  
23.11.2014 CACIB "Autumn-2014" Belarus, Minsk Bo Skalin (Sweden) junior ex.-2  
7.12.2014 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Minsk Elzbieta Chwalibog (Poland) junior ex.-2  
7.12.2014 pug championship Belarus, Minsk Andrzej Szutkiewicz (Poland) junior ex.-1/2 J.CAC, J.BOS in color
7.12.2014 republican of all breeds Belarus, Minsk Seymour S. (England) junior ex. without title
7.12.2014 republican of all breeds Belarus, Minsk Sarmont Tamara (Belarus) junior ex.-2  
13.12.2014 republican of all breeds "Christmas meetings" Belarus, Minsk Elena Mandrik (Belarus) junior ex. J.CAC, J.BOS
8.02.2015 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Minsk N. Lychkovskaya (Belarus) junior ex.-2  
15.03.2015 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Minsk Kashirin N. (Russia) junior ex. J.CAC, J.BOS in color
28.03.2015 republican of all beeds Belarus, Minsk Vasilevich I. (Belarus) junior ex. J.CAC, J.BOS, J.BOB, BOB, J.BIS-5
11.04.2015 republican of all breeds "Cup of Minsk-2015" Belarus, Minsk Zherenkova T. (Russia) junior ex.-2/3  
16.05.2015 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Grodno Joanna Szczepańska-Korpetta (Poland) junior ex. J.CAC, J.BOS in color, J.BOS, J.BOB, J.BISS-2
16.05.2015 republican of all breeds Belarus, Grodno Tatiana Romanovskaya (Belarus) junior ex.-1/2 J.CAC, J.BOS, J.BOB
23.05.2015 republican of all breeds Belarus, Soligorsk Krukova Elena (Russia) winner ex. САС
21.06.2015 regional of all breeds Belarus, Ratomka Irina Podlozhnaya (Belarus) winner ex. Best female, САС, BOB, BIG-3
27.06.2015 republican of all breeds Belarus, Molodechno Zaharova G. (Belarus) winner ex.-2  
27.06.2015 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Molodechno Mandrik E. (Belarus) winner ex. САС
18.07.2015 regional of companions and toys "Mini dog-2015" Belarus, Tarasovo Elena Serebryannikova-Zagorskaya (Belarus) winner ex. Best female, САС, BOB, BIG-1
26.07.2015 republican of all breeds Belarus, Molodechno Remanovskaya T. (Belarus) champion ex. САС, Best female
26.07.2015 regional of all breeds Belarus, Molodechno Chaykovskaya F. (Russia) champion ex. Best female, САС
15.08.2015 regional of all breeds "Cup of Hobby-2015" Belarus, Tarasovo Svetlana Raduk (Belarus) champion ex. Best female, САС
22.08.2015 specialty of companions and toys Belarus, Soligorsk Magdalena Kozlowska (Poland) champion ex. САС, Best female
20.09.2015 pug championship Belarus, Brest Borkowski Tomasz (Poland) winner ex. САС