ANFISA2002 - 29.04.2012 |
ADELINA TAINA HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Champion of Belarus; Sire: INTER CH Favorit Snuppy (Belarus Color: fawn 7.04.2010 - 19.12.2018 |
Import from Russia |
MILLE BASSI VILFREDO AMOR - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: GRAND CH, ABSOLUT CLUB CH Riganna Twist and Shout (import from United Kingdom Color: fawn 1.07.2011 - 12.03.2019 |
EZHINKA- CAC Отец: СН Tesser Bonfang Evroboss for Vole't Shou (импорт Россия Color: fawn 6.01.2007 - 7.02.2020 |
PREKRASNAYA PRINTCESSA HRUSTALNYI LOTOS - Junior Champion of Breed Belarus; Sire: СН Nochnoe Tango Tsarstvo Zari-Eos (Belarus Color: black 14.02.2014 - 20.06.2021 |
Import from Russia |
PRADA DEKADENT TRIT - 2 x CAC; Sire: CH Dezl Daimond (Russia Color: red 14.08.2014 - 18.07.2021 Co owner: Lysenok О. (Belarus |
YASOLINA DOKOTA-GLOU - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: INTER CH Favorit Snuppy (Belarus Color: fawn 7.02.2009 - 27.02.2022 |
NOCHNOE TANGO TSARSTVO ZARI-EOS - Junior Champion of Belarus; Sire: GRAND CH, CACIB, 2xR.CACIB Timoti Dalton (Belarus Color: black 14.07.2010 - 21.03.2023 |